Due to popular request Closet Cooking is now on Facebook. I really don’t know why it took me so long to getting on Facebook but I finally made an account along with a fan page for Closet Cooking. If you spend all of your time on Facebook, and it is quite addictive, become a fan and get Closet Cooking updates on the Closet Cooking Facebook fan page.
WannabeVirginia W. says
Are you still posting recipes on your blog? I am not a fan of facebook at all.
FoodTherapy4Me says
That's great! FB is taking over the world haha!!
Just posted something I thought you'd enjoy…see the end of the post – http://foodtherapy4me.blogspot.com/2010/03/her-birthday-wishyakimondu.html
Ciao Chow Linda says
Great Kevin. I'm going over to "fan" you. Come over and "fan" Ciao Chow Linda on FB too.
wendy says
Damn… does that mean I'm the only person not on FB now?
Jan says
I'm following!!
saveur says
Awesome! Does this mean you'll be my friend, too? 🙂