I have been trying to free up some space in my freezer lately and I have been coming across some amazing finds. My most recent discovery was some pureed pumpkin that I had frozen earlier in the winter when I had more than I had needed. I had also recently come across the steel cut oats in my cupboard and I thought that pumpkin pie oatmeal would be a nice treat for breakfast. You could easily make this with any kind of oatmeal but I prefer the steel cut oatmeal for its chewier texture. Steel cut oatmeal takes a bit of time to cook and I don’t really have the time to make in on weekday mornings but a rice cooker with a timer and a porridge setting is the perfect solution. Waking up to the smell of the cooking oatmeal in the morning and knowing that it will be ready by breakfast time is always nice. After the oatmeal was done cooking in the rice cooker I transferred it to a small pan and added the pumpkin, some brown sugar and pumpkin pie spices. The pumpkin pie oatmeal was great! It was just like eating a bowl of pumpkin pie for breakfast. I wonder what I will find in my freezer next…
Pumpkin Pie Oatmeal
- 1/4 cup oatmeal
- 2 tablespoons pumpkin puree
- 1 tablespoon brown sugar
- 1 dash cinnamon
- 1 dash nutmeg
- 1 dash ginger
- 1 dash cloves
- 1 splash milk (optional)
- Cook the oatmeal as directed on package and when the oatmeal is finished cooking add the pumpkin puree, brown sugar and spices and cook to heat.
- Add a splash of milk to cool the oatmeal and to get it to the consistency that you prefer.
VeggieGirl says
Pureed pumpkin in oats = BEYOND DIVINE!!!! Kevin, this is fabulous.
Rosa's Yummy Yums says
Really delicious and unusual! Lovely!
Maria says
This is my favourite way to eat oats in the winter – have it at least 2-3 times a week.
And it lends itself to a big batch, divided up in containers, cold from the fridge like a custard.
Treehouse Chef says
Okay this may be the most unique recipe I have ever read. I luvvv pumpkin and oatmeal, but together………hmmmm I will give it a try! I added you to my blogroll because people need to know about this unique recipe for sure. Way to go!
meeso says
Awesome breakfast you have come up with here… they, this could even be served as a healthy dessert!
Hayley says
I put pumpkin in my oatmeal every morning. Along with a sliced banana, and some almond butter. It’s my favorite meal of the day!
Shelly says
Yum! I eat this exact oatmeal most mornings except I add some raisins. As usual, you know exactly what’s great, Kevin!
Bob says
Now that’s my kind of oatmeal. I like steel cut oats too, oatmeal without texture isn’t anywhere near as good.
Sean says
Looks and sounds delicious Kevin!
Will definitely give it a go some time soon!
Pam says
I love to make oatmeal in my rice cooker, too. Pumpkin pie oatmeal sounds wonderful!
Christina Kim says
Oatmeal in the rice cooker, never even considered this! Brilliant! Kevin, this recipe is truly genius. you always have such great ideas!
Suzer says
You should try some baked oatmeal. You can make an entire pan and eat it throughout the week.
portugueseflavours says
This recipe looks very nice and very differet from portuguese dishes.
Anonymous says
Thats a very unusual combo for me Kevin..didnt think yet..looks delicious..
Jennifer says
I eat this a few times a week, LOVE it!!! beautiful !!
HappyTummy says
that looks like pumpkin pie in a bowl–yum! i’m with you–i definitely prefer steel cut oatmeal. i recently made a version with cranberries, pecans and flax seeds myself!
btw, i just added you to my blogroll. love your recipes!
Anonymous says
there is absolutely NOTHING better than a warm mega bowl of pumpkin oats. I enjoy steel-cut a lot more too, because of their gritty, chewy texture! I also love to sprinkle coconut on top, and stir in some raisins. also, a dollop of yogurt for a refreshing “frosting”
Jamie says
That is brilliant and I’ll bet it would make an amazing dessert as well!
Foodie with Little Thyme! says
This sounds so delicious. Better than the pancakes we had for breakfast today.
Dishesdone says
That looks fantastic! What a great way to start the day!
Megan says
Anything with pumpkin is a great treat to me! This will be breakfast next week!
Chefectomy says
Totally creative Kevin!
Natashya says
Sounds delicious, Kevin.
www.crabbycook.com says
This one seems a little sweet for my tastes, but I’ll give you 100 points for creativity and another 100 for daring.
Debbie says
Looks yummy…
I wish I was really good about putting stuff in my freezer instead of wasting it away in my trashcan. Do you have one of those seal the air out bags that you use to freeze your items in? I find my zip loc bags tend to get ice inside of them. How did you freeze pumpkin purée?
ttfn300 says
mmm, these would hit the spot on a rainy day like today! freezer finds are fantastic 🙂
Heather says
mmmm. i eat this a lot in the fall. so yummy!
unconfidentialcook says
I’m not big on pumpkin, but I bet this is great, the pumpkin sweetening the oatmeal just so…and I LOVE the idea of waking up the scent of a wonderful breakfast cooking away, a breakfast I don’t have to get up to make!
Marjie says
Brilliant twist to a classic comfort food! And setting you rice timer to pre-cook it for you, well, that’s pure innovative genius!
Lorraine @NotQuiteNigella says
Yum, I’ve made something like this from Deceptively Delicious and I was surprised at how nice it was! 🙂
Karen says
Now that’s what I call genius! Very inventive way to use up freezer things!
Not Another Omnivore says
This looks awesome! Since I eat at least two bowls of oatmeal a day anyways…might as well give it a try soon!
Sweet Bird says
this is genius
Maya says
Looks more like a dessert!!
Phyllis says
my hubby will love this recipe – pumpkin is his favorite ingredient and he eats oatmeal every morning! Fab idea – thanks!
Maria says
Love it like always!
MaryBeth says
Very interesting I must say but at the same time I am very intrigued by the sound and look of your dish!!
NecroDancer says
You can have the oatmeal ready to eat if you put the steal cut oats and water in a slow cooker prior to climbing into bed – setting: low. I don’t have a rice cooker with a timer so this has been my solution.
beachlover says
I notice you love pumpkin alots!! must try your recipe one day near Halloween..
Mrs Ergül says
what a fantastic freezer meal!
Kevin says
Debbie: I normally just use the ziplock bags and in this case I used the resealable hard plastic ziplock container. I get ice in the ziplock bags as well…
Joanne says
This is recipe after my own heart. Pumpkin and oatmeal make such a great pairing.
Lisa says
I have some pumpkin puree in the freezer too! Great idea Kevin. Will try this for sure.
Jeff says
You have to be my long lost brother because I just went into the mental anguish of what to do with the pureed pumpkin from last year.
Nice combination!
Esi says
I love pumpkin in oatmeal and all the spices give it great flavor.
Ginny says
wow! I love it! great idea! 🙂
Anonymous says
Wow…unique combination! It looks good.
Deborah says
I’ve been cleaning out my freezer as well – I wish I had some beautiful pumpkin like this!
eatme_delicious says
Yum delicious creation!
Y says
Well what can I say.. YUM!
[eatingclub] vancouver || js says
What a clever twist on the ol’ oatmeal!
Johnny says
Kevin, this stuff really hit the spot. I only had ‘sugar in the raw’ so it wasn’t quite as sweet as brown sugar but it was still very satisfying. That rice cooker recipe was a great tip. Nothing hurts more than being in a hurry in the morning and not being able to cook my steel-cut oatmeal.
Jill says
I made Pumpkin Butter last fall using your recipe…a spoonful on my morning oatmeal in lieu of sugar is wonderful! Apple Butter works too, and Walnut Butter is devine!
Jenifer Harrod says
I shared your recipe at: